Sunday, September 29, 2013
Trudeau 'has the skills' to take on Harper. Say What?
Really confusing. What "Skills" could this kid that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth possibly have that I would want for him to be running my country?
All I know is that he smokes pot. If that "Skill" qualifies someone to run the country I had a few friends in "High" school that are just as qualified as he is, maybe more qualified on the high part. You never know.
"Daddy was Prime Minister" now I need to be cause "I'm Canadian Royalty and I am born to be Prime Minister".
Mr Trudeau should get a working class job and live at my income level for a few years so that he can speak for the working class. In fact all politicians should have to do that to get in touch with the reality of what politicians put us through without a thought because what they do doesn't effect them the way it effects us.
Gary ;~)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Acrtic ice growing but blind UN group talk global warming.
The "Man Made" global warming scare is over. The arctic ice is returning. UN scare mongers are still pushing their agenda as the polar ice grows.
They were wrong in their predictions. Now they should man up and admit it. If they can't see with their own eyes that the ice is back against their prediction and they have no reasonable explanation, it is time to step aside, retire and let someone lets pigheaded take control and stop waisting my time.
Gary ;~)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Stupidity at work
How do these people through their days. The use of common sense by government employees is decidedly uncommon.
I wonder if they send daily memos to each of their family members reminding them of the latest management approved wiping techniques.
Do they do spot checks to ensure compliance? Would they insist that a person with hemorrhoids wipe with a Brillo pad even if it would mean a trip to the hospital?
Is the "I was just following orders" excuse good enough to get off?
I don't think so. What do you think.
Gary ;~)
Is Richard Benson the only one guilty
Is Richard Benson the only one guilty?
His family knew he was driving illegally and sat back and let him. He put his own children at risk each and every time he drove.
Why didn't his family intervene for the sake of their nieces and nephews and or grandchildren.
Would his family sit by and watch him beat and starve his children?
Turning a blind eye to this is not acceptable. I didn't help Mr Benson of his children in the long run.
Mr Benson has taken responsibility for his actions, good for him. Now is the time for the family members that supported him in ignoring his medical issues need to stand up and take their share of the responsibility for this tragedy.
Gary :~(
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Does anyone actually believe Al Gore anymore?
Al Gore: ‘There needs to be a political price' for climate 'denial’ - The Hill's E2-Wire
Chicken Little and Al Gore have a few things in common. Using their imagination instead of facts is the one that stands out to me at the moment. So Al stop talking until the facts, yes real facts are in not guesses and hype before you open your mouth about something you obviously don't know enough about.
Liberal wannabe is says lying is not misleading
Liberal candidate says bio not misleading | National Newswatch
Could someone, anyone please help this man. He needs to get that nomination. He would make the election so much fun. He could provide a laugh a miniute if they turn him loose.
So please please please someone, anyone help this man get the liberal nomination in Brandon-Souris. I need some entertainment. ;~)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Alberta to move to a 21st-century health-care
Hey you guys alberta does need to move into the 21 century but shouldn't we get back into the 20th century first?
Our healthcare system has been going backwards for so long that we must have slid back into the 19th century.
Just saying. ;~)
Apple is touched
I don't get it at all. I've inherited an Ipod touch from my daughter after she got her Iphone 4. It has taken me until today to actually get some music on it. The process was so confusing unfriendly, unless I wanted to repurchase my whole collection through the Itunes store so apple could make even more money.
The iPhone 5S proves Apple hasn't lost its touch
Apple hasn't lost touch with how to make money but they have lost touch with reality. They have people addicted to their product, good for them. They have lost touch with the reality of living on a working wage and trying to raise a family in this economy.
Sure it is designed well but please put a little bit more value into each "up grade" so that when a consumer trades in the old model there is a real gain not just a different number or a change in letter.
Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians
Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians
How do they come up this information. I got mine from walking down the street and seeing what was going on around me.
Seriously 1 in 6 Canadians doesn't need help. I admit that I am one of the 5 that is in need.
Gary ;~)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Warming lull since 1998 must be explained!
Warming lull since 1998 must be explained, scientists behind landmark UN climate change report say
No problem. I can explain it.You guys were wrong. Get over it.
There I've solved that now y'all can start working on how to get everyone to continue to develop and use cleaner technology without the threat of impending doom. Many people have seen and or used hybrid and electric cars. They see wind farms and solar panel and we have lived through it all. So get the PR people on it and let's keep some momentum going.
So Guys, Stand up and say you were wrong, shit happens just ask Forest Gump. Then learn from the mistake. Use the awareness that has been developed to do great things.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Justin Trudeau apologizes
This is the man that would be Prime Minister of our fair land. Where has he been the last 30 of so years? How could he not know that everyone would be insulted to be compared with politicians.
Politically savvy he is not.
Take note all wannabe politicians, pull your head out
Mr Trudeau should engage brain (or adviser) before engaging mouth, as should we all.
Maybe I should be taking my own advice. Not happening. ;~)
Apple needs put more value into each new model.
Really what's the big deal? Apple products aren't perfect and the online help is worse than Microsoft's.
I don't get it at all. I've inherited an Ipod touch from my daughter after she got her Iphone 4. It has taken me until today to actually get some music on it. The process was so confusing unfriendly, unless I wanted to repurchase my whole collection through the Itunes store so apple could make even more money.
The iPhone 5S proves Apple hasn't lost its touch
Apple hasn't lost touch with how to make money but they have lost touch with reality. They have people addicted to their product, good for them. They have lost touch with the reality of living on a working wage and trying to raise a family in this economy.
Sure it is designed well but please put a little bit more value into each "up grade" so that when a consumer trades in the old model there is a real gain not just a different number or a change in letter.
Apple is out of touch with my reality and many other working people, but they are making shit loads of money and that is all that counts.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church's priority from dogma to mercy
Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church's priority from dogma to mercy
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see the turmoil that comes from this. Let the games begin.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Scrapping supply management would the most 'consumer first' thing the Tories could do
John Ivison: Scrapping supply management would the most 'consumer first' thing the Tories could do
The expense of purchasing a quota has to be passed on to the consumer. This drives the cost in the stores up.
We all know that this is about getting votes in the next election but at least bringing this out into the open for discussion is a step forward.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Premier Redford says Redford not credible on oilsands
Premier Alison Redford says Robert Redford not credible on oilsands critique
If Al Gore got one for lying about global warming why not start giving them out to aging celebrities that, like Al, don't know anything except the hype. You don't need an education about what you are talking about. Just get the spot light on you and start spouting every sound bite that you have ever heard. It is best to focus on other countries.
If you are American make sure that you don't too close to home because y'all have done such a great job of protecting the environment that it makes you such credible voices for others follies.
Let's call it the Noble Prize for Big mouth Bull Shitting. It would always goto politicians and band wagon jumping celebrities.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Cigarette ads reappear in magazines read by Canadian teens
Really? Didn't we win this battle years ago?
This is the American way, you can't let your teens get a comprehensive sex education but let's push smoking on them.
I guess if you saddle a child with a baby, the baby will more out in 30 or so years but when you hook them on nicotine young it stays with them for life
Just about thinking, but not quite.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Failing America because of George Bush
You tell'm Bill.
America has fallen so far because of the Bush years. So many don't even realize the loss that they have been through. The truth is that until they admit just how bad things have gotten, they will never be ready do what is needed to reverse the slide.
People, look and see what is actually going on and insist that your elected officials do something to fix it now.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Will somebody please strip Al Gore of that Nobel Prize.
This is where I get to say I told you so. I am not a brainiac but just using my super power of common sense I said that this was mostly hype so that some people could make money.
Even in my lifetime there has been variation in both directions. When I looked at historical records there was evidence of other temperature swings.
I wonder if there is a Noble Prize for opportunistic band wagon jumping. That is the prize Al Gore should have gotten.
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Pictures developed at Walmart a security risk.
Please Mr Mart please explain how this is not an inside job. Hilarious inside job but an inside job just the same. The caller’s shopping cart must be missing a wheel or two. Haven’t they ever head of call display? Oh right we are talking about Saskatchewan. Do they have call display there?
Calling and saying that you are so ugly that I want to give you a make over. Really, if it was a picture of me I would understand it but . . .
I’m guessing that Walmart refused to take this seriously until the reporter got involved because they don’t give a damn about customers any more that they care about their employees as long as they are making a profit.
Friday, September 06, 2013
Will Myland Pharmaceuticals pay child support?
What can you if this caused you to got pregnant? Not much I'm sure. They should be responsible but how could you prove it was their fault.
It would make businesses be a little more conscientious if they could be held responsible.
Just a thought. ;~)
Monday, September 02, 2013
Trudeau's pot admission reefer madness to U.S. lawyer - Surrey Leader
Trudeau's pot admission reefer madness to U.S. lawyer - Surrey Leader
This is good for a laugh. I'm wondering if this was a screw up or planned. I'm thinking a screw up but hey you never know.