Friday, November 29, 2013

Defence minister calls military suicides “troubling.” | National Newswatch

Defence minister calls military suicides “troubling.” | National Newswatch

Troubling? That kids graduate high school and can't make change is troubling. The number of people that abuse alcohol is troubling. The time that it takes to clear the roads after a snow storm is troubling.

Soldiers killing themselves after they have served over seas is not troubling it is a tragedy that our government has done nothing to resolve.

These men and women put themselves in dangerous situations at the call from our government and the least we should expect is that our veterans be given the best care available.

Stephen Harper and Robert Nicholson need to get their priorities right and provide the support and care that these brave Canadians deserve.

Gary  :~)

The bill that would save Parliament |

The bill that would save Parliament |

This sounds like a breath of fresh air that would make our system work so much better.
So just for that reason it will not pass. We can dream for this kind of improvement but that is all it is, a dream.

Gary ;~)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Pot-smoking Mountie is a better example than Peter Mackay" says Gary

Pot-smoking Mountie ‘sets very poor example for Canadians’: Justice Minister Peter MacKay |

Prescription, hmmm what does that mean?  Doctors orders.

Oh right we are talking about  a politician and it is a verifiable fact that to become a politician one most have their common sense and conscience surgically removed.

Tell me Mr Mackay why is it that it would be ok for this man to take stronger more addictive prescription drugs at work but not the dreaded "POT".

Does it hurt you fragile sensibilities? Are you afraid that this sets an example and then everyone will want some? That they might realize that "reefer madness" -ROFLMAO- is just another load of crap that the government pushed on us so some of their friends and family could make more money?

Politicians, we could live without them but we can't deport them because nobody would take them.

Gary   ;~)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pope attacks 'tyranny' of markets,It's not the but fucking that is bad it is capitalism.

Pope attacks 'tyranny' of markets, urges renewal in key document - Hindustan Times

Sure Mr Pope lets renew the catholic church and get back to where they are but fucking with impunity, stealing gold from everyone and ruling the western world. Lets reintroduce the rack for blasphemy etc.

I for one am not ready to go back to the times where an idiot in an ugly dress and a fucking stupid hat gets to tell me what to believe just because when the cardinals got together he had fucked more little boys than the rest of them.

Keep your little fading cult to your selves and let intelligent people live in peace.

Gary   ;!)


Sunday, November 24, 2013

The truth about Al Gore |Home | Calgary Sun

Al Gore is a hypocrite and a rich elite money hungry "person".

Please stop listening to Al Gore

10 questions for Al Gore |


| Calgary Sun

Thank You

Gary  ;~)

PM does Sergeant Schultz imitation"I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!"

PM didn't know staff asked Conservative Party to pay Duffy's expenses: spokesperson | CTV News

A comedy of the first order. We know who is playing Shultz but who is Klink and who is Hogan?

Gary  ;~)

Legal pot in U.S. could cause border problems for Canadians, experts warn | CTV News

Legal pot in U.S. could cause border problems for Canadians, experts warn | CTV News

Hi officer I'm going to the states to get stoned. I'll be back in an hour.

The trouble with that is there are people stupid enough to do that and them wonder why there is a problem.  Canadians are nice trusting people but they can be a little naive.

What you say can be used against you by the border guards.

Gary   ;~)

Calgary strep victim's mother "will be held accountable," say police - News - MSN CA

Calgary strep victim's mother "will be held accountable," say police - News - MSN CA

I should hope she is held accountable. If I had taken any of my kids to a witch doctor my family would have shot me I'm sure.

Where do these people get the idea that toying with their kids lives is acceptable. They don't get them vaccinated and refuse to get them proper health care.
If they had lived through any of the epidemics that were reasonably common until the 60's they would have a different opinion.
I have relatives that were paralyzed by polio. It is having it strike close to home that drives home the importance of vaccinations and traditional heath care.
If you have a problem and you are an adult go ahead and let the quacks kill you but killing your kids is not acceptable.

Gary  ;~)

Friday, November 22, 2013

State Rep Smashes Homeless People’s Possesions With a Sledgehammer | | Healthy News and Information

State Rep Smashes Homeless People’s Possesions With a Sledgehammer | | Healthy News and Information

How could this idiot get elected. This is a crime. If nothing else this is wrecking the stores carts.
What does this guy use for brains.

Gary  ;~)

Women locked away for 30 years in London not unusual case of slavery: expert

Women locked away for 30 years in London not unusual case of slavery: expert
This is crazy. How is this even possible in a "civilized" society. Somebody has to have been turning a blind eye to this for it to have gone on for 30 years.
We don't have any details but how could this have these women not been missed. Didn't the neighbors notice anything. 
I hate nosy people but in this case one nosy person could have saved these women years of captivity.

People be nosy but descrete with what you learn. No gossip but know your neighbors.

Gary  :~|

Who's that rodent on the Harper holiday card? - News - MSN CA

Who's that rodent on the Harper holiday card? - News - MSN CA

Now for some real news! OMG with all of the news worthy stories out there here I am talking about this one.

We are so proud to have the Harper family in Canada to represent us to the world. Yea Canada.

Please somebody, anybody put me out of my misery.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A senator’s case for an unelected Senate | Toronto Star

A senator’s case for an unelected Senate | Toronto Star

Hey everyone, yes that means you, here is a well thought out suggestion for senate reform.

I like this plan as it is change with totally removing the intent for the senate when it was originally implemented.

What do you think?

Gary  ;~)

At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over - The Mind Unleashed

At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over - The Mind Unleashed

Thank you Japan specifically, but to all of the governments of the worldas well. You all have stood by over the last 60 to 70 years and encouraged companies to reek havoc on our only home.

Now we are reaching the point where even the least educated of us can see where this is headed. Within a generation or two we will have this planet so inhospitable to human life that our future as a race will be in doubt.

I hope that some how there will be enough of this planet left for my great grand children to live a life worth living. I hope but I seriously doubt it.

Stop the wholesale distruction of my planet for profit.

Just stop it!

Gary  :~(  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Justin Trudeau’s recent gaffes undermine his political strengths

Justin Trudeau’s recent gaffes undermine his political strengths

Be careful Justin you might just train wreck your way out of your prime-ministership. I know that right now Mr Harper looks like a down and out long in the tooth prize fighter but if you stumble and he gets in a luck shot the west might be happy for and other term.

Gary ;~) 

Witness says Inuit girls came up with their own plan to stop attacks by priest | CTV News

Witness says Inuit girls came up with their own plan to stop attacks by priest | CTV News

Why is it that the catholic church was / is a magnet for these people?

Why once they were in the bureaucracy of the church were they protected?

I can only think of one reason and that reason is that the church is, was and always been rotten to the core. Why else have these clergymen been protecting each other for ever.

Please someone explain it logically so that even us godless heathens can understand it because having faith that it is part of gods plan ain't working for me and many others.

If this man, and I use the term loosely,  was part of any gods plan then we need to have nothing to do with that kind of god.

Gary  :~| 

Mystery of unspent billions arises in Ottawa | National Newswatch

Mystery of unspent billions arises in Ottawa | National Newswatch

Politicians, idiots cant even save money in a normal manner. Ive always wondered how people so stupid could be running the country and this does nothing to help me figure it out.

Who elects these people? Oh Shit, we do so who are the real idiots?

Gary  ;~) 

Monday, November 18, 2013

German "luxury bishop" settles with court over 1st class flight-to-poverty case - Yahoo News Canada

German "luxury bishop" settles with court over 1st class flight-to-poverty case - Yahoo News Canada

The more I learn about the catholic church and how it have been run for 2 millennium the more I believe organized religion is the best ever money making business. EVER!

A thrown of gold and all the little boys that you can bugger. The perfect racket. People send money and their innocent kids to be brainwashed and abused.

And still people defend them. Open your eyes and see the abuse you have allowed to happen to your children.

Look and see.
Gary  ;~(

Google and Microsoft to block child porn from search results |

Google and Microsoft to block child porn from search results |

It is about time. Come on people don't act like they have done something great.
This could have and should have been done a decade ago. Finally when the governments get their colective heads out of their asses Google and Microsoft are going to be big heroes and block content.

They didn't before because there is ad revenue in searches, all searches no matter how inappropriate.


Justin Trudeau is about to discover the downside of winning

Scott Reid: Justin Trudeau is about to discover the downside of winning

Justin is, I'm sure, a good guy trying to do what he thinks is right and good for Canada. I'm also sure that he needs to spend some time connecting with the average Canadian.
We need change in this country. Not some glitter and fairy dust with business as usual. In my opinion he hasn't got the balls to do what is needed and do it with me and you in mind.

Mr Trudeau, please make sure that you are doing what is right for us not just what is right for you and yours.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Rob Ford stripped "OMG my eyes, my eyes"

Rob Ford stripped of key powers in council vote - Toronto - CBC

That was close. We all know that Mr Ford has no boundaries and what I thought had happened is out there on the web somewhere.

My eyes are safe for another day.

Gary  ;~)

Monday, November 04, 2013

‘Bin Laden has won,’ declares man whose jar of honey was confiscated at airport |

If y'all didn't know that the terrorists had already won you need to get your head out of the sand.

They have added so much cost, stress and time to world travel they achieved more than I am sure they thought would happen in their wildest dreams.

‘Bin Laden has won,’ declares man whose jar of honey was confiscated at airport |

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Trudeau’s call for carbon tax remarkable

Like father like son, the west gets screwed again. Justin is ready to jump on the enviromentalist band wagon for appearances regardless of the facts.

I can hardly wait for the Trudeau mania to start again.  Oh hell it is time for a recession in the west anyway. Everyone bend over and brace yourselves.

Errors in reasoning: Trudeau’s call for carbon tax remarkable, as is the free pass he gets from Media Party |


| Opinion

| Ottawa Sun

Friday, October 25, 2013

‘Please do the right thing,’

What a laugh. As if a politician would even know what the right thing was.

Lying is what they traffic in on a daily basis, to know what is right you need to know that lying is wrong.

"After firing Nigel Wright, the prime minister told Canadians in this House that absolutely no one else – not a few – no one else knew about the deal between Duffy and Wright. Now he admits that top Conservatives actually did know about the scheme,” NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said in daily question period."

‘Please do the right thing,’ Tory senator urges as he rejects plan to suspend Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau

Again we are shown that the current government  ( any government ) is in the game of self preservation. If they have to lye, cheat, steal or throw its own members under the bus that is of little concern as the party is the only thing of importance. Well that and preserving your own pension.

Gary ;~)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Study finds carcinogens downwind of Edmonton petrochemical plants | CTV News

Surprise Surprise Surprise. What were you expecting. Hell there are carcinogens everywhere. Your carpets, the GMO foods that you eat and the soda pop you drink. Its all going to kill you.

Study finds carcinogens downwind of Edmonton petrochemical plants | CTV News

Be careful but everything is going to kill you.

Gary  ;~)

Religious Canadians bend morals for the almighty buck

Like you had to do a study to find that out. All you needed to do to figure that out was do business with one of your religious friends.

Religious Canadians bend morals for the almighty buck

Religion is about cash. Look at the Vatican and tell me that all of  that gold around that place is helping the poor and the down trodden.

Gary  ;~)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Politician VS Politician - Dumb VS Dumber

Mike Duffy and the Prime Minister’s Office move toward open warfare |

Really does any of this mean anything to the rest of us that work for a living. Not. They will screw us over no matter what.
So, you enjoy your fun don't listen to the politicians. Plug your ears and carry on. They will get over it in time. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Another reason to start

Infographic: Pot smokers are skinnier than non-users |

Hey now I'm thinking that if the positive effects of using keep adding up the government should require the citizens to use.
Hell lets have road side checks to make sure that people are mellow. That would stop a lot of this road rage.
Violent crimes would drop cause who has the motivation to attack someone when the fridge is calling to you " come eat, come eat".

It would be easier to catch violent offenders, just chase down the fat one. Oops, that would mean the cops would have to stay away from the donut shops.

think about it.
Gary ;~)

Monday, October 07, 2013

How much real meat is in a chicken fat nugget?

How much real meat is in a chicken nugget? Less than you think, study finds

Well you don't think they make any money selling healthy food do you? I mean if they don't sell that fat and bone it is an add expense so sell it they will. Make sure that you dip that piece of chicken fat and bone in the sugar sauce to make it taste good.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Feds mull letting cops collect DNA from suspects

Suspects are are just that suspects not criminals. Shit next they will be taking dna samples at birth to "clear cases faster".
This is bull shit and even talk of this needs to be stopped.
Feds mull letting cops collect DNA from suspects

This isn't funny.

Canada space program?

Does this make any sense to anyone? I like it, but it doesn't make sense to me.
Space Junk Cleanup Satellite Launching on Swiss Space Plane in 2018

Please make it happen I would so be so . . . . suprised.  LOL

Gary  ;~)

Holy fecal matter = Holy $hit

Most holy water contaminated with fecal matter: study

Go one, go all, drink from the holy font. It is blessed and safe for all.

Oh hang on, this is literally full of shit in more ways than one.

Gary  ;~) 

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Tell me please which one is the most bat shit crazy

Tory MP under fire after allegedly telling high schoolers girls should be armed

An (suposed) adult that has been elected to public office going and telling teens that girls need guns to defend themselves.

The mother that doesn't have enough influence with her childern to just sit them down and talk it through. Explain that all politicians are leo~tards and teach them to think for for themselves.

In some areas I'm guessing that girls might need to carry a gun. Not where I live out in the middle of nowhere but in some areas.

He is an idiot and mom is an over reactor.

Possibly there is a lesson to be learned here. That lesson might be that some people are to stuipid to be allowed to reproduce.

Damn, too late!

Gary  ;~)

Of course Justin Bieber won't be charged .

Justin Bieber won't be charged for allegedly threatening neighbour

Really how could anyone take a threat from a tiny little girl seriously? If I was to say that (s)he threatened me what would it say about me. If I was intimidated by him I wouldn't be able to hold up my head on the play ground. All of the little girls would know that they could kick my a$$.
Would charges be pressed if any other irresponsible teen girl made idle threats? No.
Leave her alone and give her a chance to grow up and become a real artist like Miley Cyrus. Maybe in a couple of years we can watch Justine twerking around on national TV and his parents can be just as proud as Miley's were.

Gary ;~)

Why Nearly Every Sport Except Long-Distance Running Is Fundamentally Absurd

Why Nearly Every Sport Except Long-Distance Running Is Fundamentally Absurd
I found this article fascinating. I had heard that humans were able to run a horse down but never an explanation of how it was possible. Our bodies are amazing works of evolution.

Gary   ;~)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Trudeau 'has the skills' to take on Harper. Say What?

Trudeau 'has the skills' to take on Harper, Ignatieff says

Really confusing. What "Skills" could this kid that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth possibly have that I would want for him to be running my country?
All I know is that he smokes pot. If that "Skill" qualifies someone to run the country I had a few friends in "High" school that are just as qualified as he is, maybe more qualified on the high part. You never know.

"Daddy was Prime Minister" now I need to be cause "I'm Canadian Royalty and I am born to be Prime Minister".

Mr Trudeau should get a working class job and live at my income level for a few years so that he can speak for the working class. In fact all politicians should have to do that to get in touch with the reality of what politicians put us through without a thought because what they do doesn't effect them the way it effects us.

Gary ;~)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Acrtic ice growing but blind UN group talk global warming.

Around the world, strong reactions to climate-change report

The "Man Made" global warming scare is over. The arctic ice is returning. UN scare mongers are still pushing their agenda as the polar ice grows.

They were wrong in their predictions. Now they should man up and admit it. If they can't see with their own eyes that the ice is back against their prediction and they have no reasonable explanation, it is time to step aside, retire and let someone lets pigheaded take control and stop waisting my time.
Gary   ;~)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Stupidity at work

Ashley Smith’s jailers put policy and procedure ahead of common sense and decency

How do these people through their days. The use of common sense by government employees is decidedly uncommon.

I wonder if they send daily memos to each of their family members reminding them of the latest management approved wiping techniques.
Do they do spot checks to ensure compliance? Would they insist that a person with hemorrhoids wipe with a Brillo pad even if it would mean a trip to the hospital?

Is the "I was just following orders" excuse good enough to get off?

I don't think so. What do you think.

Gary  ;~)

Is Richard Benson the only one guilty

Man who pleaded guilty in Alberta school crash had seizure: court docs

Is Richard Benson the only one guilty?

His family knew he was driving illegally and sat back and let him. He put his own children at risk each and every time he drove.

Why didn't his family intervene for the sake of their nieces and nephews and or grandchildren.

Would his family sit by and watch him beat and starve his children?

Turning a blind eye to this is not acceptable. I didn't help Mr Benson of his children in the long run.

Mr Benson has taken responsibility for his actions, good for him. Now is the time for the family members that supported him in ignoring his medical issues need to stand up and take their share of the responsibility for this tragedy.

Gary  :~(

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Does anyone actually believe Al Gore anymore?

Hey I get that we could throttle back our use of fossil fuels but why would anyone listen to Al Gore ever again?

Al Gore: ‘There needs to be a political price' for climate 'denial’ - The Hill's E2-Wire

Chicken Little and Al Gore have a few things in common. Using their imagination instead of facts is the one that stands out to me at the moment. So Al stop talking until the facts, yes real facts are in not guesses and hype before you open your mouth about something you obviously don't know enough about. 


Liberal wannabe is says lying is not misleading

If I lie about something it isn't misleading. What? This is a typical politician talking out of his a$$.  Someone needs to help this poor man.   

Liberal candidate says bio not misleading | National Newswatch

Could someone, anyone please help this man. He needs to get that nomination.  He would make the election so much fun. He could provide a laugh a miniute if they turn him loose.

So please please please someone, anyone help this man get the liberal nomination in Brandon-Souris. I need some entertainment.  ;~)


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Alberta to move to a 21st-century health-care

Thomson: Time for health care to trump politics in Alberta

Hey you guys alberta does need to move into the 21 century but shouldn't we get back into the 20th century first?
Our healthcare system has been going backwards for so long that we must have slid back into the 19th century.

Just saying.  ;~)

Apple is touched

 Really what's the big deal?

I don't get it at all. I've inherited an Ipod touch from my daughter after she got her Iphone 4. It has taken me until today to actually get some music on it. The process was so confusing unfriendly, unless I wanted to repurchase my whole collection through the Itunes store so apple could make even more money.

The iPhone 5S proves Apple hasn't lost its touch

Apple hasn't lost touch with how to make money but they have lost touch with reality. They have people addicted to their product, good for them. They have lost touch with the reality of living on a working wage and trying to raise a family in this economy.
Sure it is designed well but please put a little bit more value into each "up grade" so that when a consumer trades in the old model there is a real gain not just a different number or a change in letter.

Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians

Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians.  ??  Really? Are you sure? I would have bet money that it was 1 in 6 Canadians didn't need mental health care. Check it out.

Mental health care needed by 1 in 6 Canadians

How do they come up this information. I got mine from walking down the street and seeing what was going on around me.

Seriously 1 in 6 Canadians doesn't need help.  I admit that I am one of the 5 that is in need.

Gary ;~)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Warming lull since 1998 must be explained!

Emergency. Quick someone call the United Nations and explain this.

 Warming lull since 1998 must be explained, scientists behind landmark UN climate change report say

No problem. I can explain it.You guys were wrong. Get over it.

There I've solved that now y'all can start working on how to get everyone to continue to develop and use cleaner technology without the threat of impending doom. Many people have seen and or used hybrid and electric cars. They see wind farms and solar panel and we have lived through it all. So get the PR people on it and let's keep some momentum going.

So Guys, Stand up and say you were wrong, shit happens just ask Forest Gump. Then learn from the mistake. Use the awareness that has been developed to do great things.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Justin Trudeau apologizes

Justin Trudeau apologizes for comparing politicians to used car salesmen

This is the man that would be Prime Minister of our fair land. Where has he been the last 30 of so years? How could he not know that everyone would be insulted to be compared with politicians.

Politically savvy he is not.

Take note all wannabe politicians, pull your head out of your a$$ oops the sand before you jump in, pay attention to what people are saying and doing. Get a good grasp of the mood of your riding and or the country before opening your mouth and placing both feet in.

Mr Trudeau should engage brain (or adviser) before engaging mouth, as should we all.

Maybe I should be taking my own advice. Not happening.  ;~)

Apple needs put more value into each new model.

 Really what's the big deal? Apple products aren't perfect and the online help is worse than Microsoft's. 

I don't get it at all. I've inherited an Ipod touch from my daughter after she got her Iphone 4. It has taken me until today to actually get some music on it. The process was so confusing unfriendly, unless I wanted to repurchase my whole collection through the Itunes store so apple could make even more money.

The iPhone 5S proves Apple hasn't lost its touch

Apple hasn't lost touch with how to make money but they have lost touch with reality. They have people addicted to their product, good for them. They have lost touch with the reality of living on a working wage and trying to raise a family in this economy.
Sure it is designed well but please put a little bit more value into each "up grade" so that when a consumer trades in the old model there is a real gain not just a different number or a change in letter.

Apple is out of touch with my reality and many other working people,  but they are making shit loads of money and that is all that counts.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church's priority from dogma to mercy

OMG! a pope that has actually read the new testament and got the message that many christians feel jesus was pushing 2000 years ago. 

Pope seeks to shift Catholic Church's priority from dogma to mercy

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see the turmoil that comes from this. Let the games begin. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Scrapping supply management would the most 'consumer first' thing the Tories could do

It's about time someone thought about end consumers when it comes to supply management in agriculture. Sure they make it so the farmers with quotas make money but at what cost to the consumer.

John Ivison: Scrapping supply management would the most 'consumer first' thing the Tories could do

The expense of purchasing a quota has to be passed on to the consumer. This drives the cost in the stores up.

We all know that this is about getting votes in the next election but at least bringing this out into the open for discussion is a step forward.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Premier Redford says Redford not credible on oilsands

Really an old actor and a dried up singer aren't credible. What is she talking about? They should be the next in line for the "not worth the paper they're printed on" Nobel Prize.

Premier Alison Redford says Robert Redford not credible on oilsands critique

If Al Gore got one for lying about global warming why not start giving them out to aging celebrities that, like Al, don't know anything except the hype. You don't need an education about what you are talking about. Just get the spot light on you and start spouting every sound bite that you have ever heard. It is best to focus on other countries.
If you are American make sure that you don't too close to home because y'all have done such a great job of protecting the environment that it makes you such credible voices for others follies.

Let's call it the Noble Prize for Big mouth Bull Shitting. It would always goto politicians and band wagon jumping celebrities.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cigarette ads reappear in magazines read by Canadian teens

Cigarette ads reappear in magazines read by Canadian teens

Really? Didn't we win this battle years ago?

This is the American way, you can't let your teens get a comprehensive sex education but let's push smoking on them.

I guess if you saddle a child with a baby, the baby will more out in 30 or so years but when you hook them on nicotine young it stays with them for life

Just about thinking, but not quite.


Monday, September 09, 2013

Failing America because of George Bush

Bill Maher on the Aughts (2000s) George Bush, and Losing the Fifth Amendment

You tell'm Bill.
America has fallen so far because of the Bush years. So many don't even realize the loss that they have been through. The truth is that until they admit just how bad things have gotten, they will never be ready do what is needed to reverse the slide.
People, look and see what is actually going on and insist that your elected officials do something to fix it now.


Sunday, September 08, 2013

Will somebody please strip Al Gore of that Nobel Prize.

And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year

This is where I get to say I told you so. I am not a brainiac but just using my super power of common sense I said that this was mostly hype so that some people could make money.

Even in my lifetime there has been variation in both directions. When I looked at historical records there was evidence of other temperature swings.

I wonder if there is a Noble Prize for opportunistic band wagon jumping. That is the prize Al Gore should have gotten.


Saturday, September 07, 2013

Pictures developed at Walmart a security risk.

Please Mr Mart please explain how this is not an inside job. Hilarious inside job but an inside job just the same. The caller’s shopping cart must be missing a wheel or two. Haven’t they ever head of call display? Oh right we are talking about Saskatchewan. Do they have call display there?

Calling and saying that you are so ugly that I want to give you a make over. Really, if it was a picture of me I would understand it but  . . .

I’m guessing that Walmart refused to take this seriously until the reporter got involved because they don’t give a damn about customers any more that they care about their employees as long as they are making a profit.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Will Myland Pharmaceuticals pay child support?

Freya-28 birth control pills recalled after faulty pack discovered

What can you if this caused you to got pregnant? Not much I'm sure. They should be responsible but how could you prove it was their fault.

It would make businesses be a little more conscientious if they could be held responsible.

Just a thought.  ;~)

Monday, September 02, 2013

Trudeau's pot admission reefer madness to U.S. lawyer - Surrey Leader

Now that is one smart move Mr Trudeau.

Trudeau's pot admission reefer madness to U.S. lawyer - Surrey Leader

This is good for a laugh. I'm wondering if this was a screw up or planned. I'm thinking a screw up but hey you never know.  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Justin Bieber was reportedly attacked at a Toronto nightclub

Justin Bieber was reportedly attacked at a Toronto nightclub

Really? Justin Bieber kicks a man while he is down Surprise surprise.

I'm getting to the point where I want this young man ( I use the term "man" loosely ) to fall off the face of the earth. When he first came a sensation I bought into the idea the this was a good example of how anyone could get a break. I wasn't a fan but I admitted that he had some talent.

Then it started to go bad. Even my kids are starting to lose interest in Justin as he again and again shows that he can't control himself. Someone needs to set him on the road to living a life where people don't use him as a bad example.

If there is anybody out there that he respects enough to listen to could you please sit him down and help him get his shit together. Please.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

This Is My Life