Friday, November 29, 2013

Defence minister calls military suicides “troubling.” | National Newswatch

Defence minister calls military suicides “troubling.” | National Newswatch

Troubling? That kids graduate high school and can't make change is troubling. The number of people that abuse alcohol is troubling. The time that it takes to clear the roads after a snow storm is troubling.

Soldiers killing themselves after they have served over seas is not troubling it is a tragedy that our government has done nothing to resolve.

These men and women put themselves in dangerous situations at the call from our government and the least we should expect is that our veterans be given the best care available.

Stephen Harper and Robert Nicholson need to get their priorities right and provide the support and care that these brave Canadians deserve.

Gary  :~)

The bill that would save Parliament |

The bill that would save Parliament |

This sounds like a breath of fresh air that would make our system work so much better.
So just for that reason it will not pass. We can dream for this kind of improvement but that is all it is, a dream.

Gary ;~)